Not sure what's up with the title, but that was the first thing that came to mind, whatever.
Yesterday at work was, WOW. I think that is the best word to describe the shit show that was happening. Martinez is quite the sassy pants, especially lately. Amy and I have decided that her sassiness (new word) has increased due to her physically activity. And her coffee drinking. This scene from George of the Jungle is kind of what happens at work. She is not super crazy like he was, but she starts to talk real fast and starts having jokes and being real snappy. But, she caused us to have some great laughs, which worked out our stomach muscles...Thanks Martinez!
Last night, I might have watched Step Brothers again! It is too funny not to watch. Then hubby and I watched this Modern Marvel's on SuperSized food...disgusting what people will eat, just because it is bigger. Whatever.
My run this morning was an interesting one. I decided to take a completely new path, that took me along the edge of reno and midwest blvd, before heading back into the neighborhood. There is a hill that I had to climb that I thought would never end. Damn, it was tough. I was supposed to run 24 minutes today, I only completed 22. There is a lot on my mind and runnning wasn't going to take it away. As much as I tried to clear my head, I ended up praying more than clearing my head, and even almost broke down crying while running. So I figured if I can make it home, however long I ran for would be better then laying in my bed. I did almost complete 2 miles, and ran my fastest 1K today. Again, might not have been the best run, but I also did run something! Need to look at the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.
Not sure what today will hold, but tomorrow we are headed to a wedding, and hopefully going to enjoy a quiet weekend after that.
Until next time!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
So much room for activities!
One of my all time favorite movie "Step Brother's" is currently on, and I have managed to catch it from the beginning...which is always AWESOME!!! My friend Lash totally understands! P.S. If you are looking for great Christmas Card photos, she is your lady!! They will be amazing. (I like how I am advertising to people I see everyday, but it helps!)
Last night at book was a great time. Nimzypoo has a awesome new "phone." See the picture for proof!
That's right, it's like an old phone!!!
Today's workout was great!! It was run 12, walk 5, run 12, walk 5. The overall workout went very well. Went 2.69 miles at a pace of 12:04. I didn't finish the last 5 minute walk...did really think it was needed!
But since my movie is on, and they are about to build bunk bed to have so much more room for activities I am going to go watch!!
Last night at book was a great time. Nimzypoo has a awesome new "phone." See the picture for proof!
That's right, it's like an old phone!!!
Today's workout was great!! It was run 12, walk 5, run 12, walk 5. The overall workout went very well. Went 2.69 miles at a pace of 12:04. I didn't finish the last 5 minute walk...did really think it was needed!
But since my movie is on, and they are about to build bunk bed to have so much more room for activities I am going to go watch!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
It's Rain, It's Pouring...
Well once again I failed to blog in a timely fashion and
have damn near forgotten what I did.
But, thanks to technology, mainly my new watch, it maps where I have
been and can help me remember what I did, plus I don’t have to remember to
write it down because it is logged in my NikePlus account!
Thursday = no idea.
Oh yes, we discussed farting at work, while eating sugar free candy =
bad idea!
Friday (8/24): Early
morning run, as usual. 20 minutes of
pure running..just me and my thoughts for 20 full, long minutes. This run started unlike the others…I ran up
the hill going to opposite direction then I had the past few weeks, a change of
scenery. I was also going to see how long
it took me to get to the tracks that I had been as a tracking device for awhile
before I out grew them. I was able to
get there and past, at a pretty good rate, and tracked my fastest mile yet…10
minutes!!! Still at an 11:41 pace, but
still I am getting better…plus it was a great run! I felt tired but it was overall really good!
Saturday (8/25):
Since it was supposed to rain, I wanted to get up early enough to get to
the park and run. An extra run! But I got lazy, and went to Hobby Lobby to
get yarn for my new project, and when I got back I didn’t really feel like
running. Thankfully I was talking to
Lash, who just got done running, and she made me feel bad for not running and
made me change and go to the park. This
run was almost total poo! If it wasn’t
for the fact that I was actually running and exercising, it would have been a
waste. I ran so slow…it took me 12
minutes to go a mile. It was STUPID
humid as it was about to rain, but still no excuse for how terrible it was.
Saturday night we went out and ate sushi with some friends
and saw The Campaign with Will Ferrell.
Pretty funny movie, but what was really nice about the movie is that it
was only an hour and half long. It seems
like years since a movie was that short, and it was a nice change of pace. We got home just in time for it to start
Sunday (8/26): Feel
like a burn 121584651306465 calories. We
needed to clean the house, and I lost the coin toss to have to clean the
bathroom…and if I was going to spend time cleaning, I was REALLY going to
clean. Took about an hour to clean our
little bathroom, but it smelled good and looked so much better! But then, I went and started working on “my
room” again, actually measuring out where the bed needs to go and where the
dressers need to be. Also, picking
things off the floor and putting them in there appropriate piles!
Sunday night was bueno..yum! And then I spent the rest of
the evening finishing my book, because I have a book club meeting tonight.
Monday: (8/27): 20
minute run. Since I had to go out in the
field for work, I thought about getting up earlier to run in the morning, which
is what I should have done. But it “was
to dark to run,” and I didn’t do it. I
packed my stuff and was going to stop at the park on the way home from
work. Totally “ran” from the office up
to Reno…and then proceed to tank on the running. Here are on sad stats…1.6 miles in 20:20
minutes at a 12:03 pace. SHIT! I am moving on. 6:15 will never be “too dark” to run. And tomorrow I get another chance to prove
Tuesday (8/28): No running…I think I am ok with that. Tomorrow is my redemption day, and I don’t
have to be in the field, so I will get up at my normal time and hit the
pavement. But tonight is BOOK CLUB!!!
This is the first time that we have all read the same books and can actually
discuss them without hiding things! I
can’t wait!!!
Sorry this was super long and probably super boring! And no pics, whats up with that. But until next time JH’s!
Sorry this was super long and probably super boring! And no pics, whats up with that. But until next time JH’s!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Results of my Awesome Toy
As we all know, I went out and spent some money into my running kick, and bought a new Nike GPS watch. Today was the first day to use it, with my new running shoes. So the results..
Wednesday (8/22): 18 minute Run, 5 minute walk. First and foremost, I am starting to forego the 5 minute walk. It seems kinda lame, but I do walk around the street until I feel I have got my breath and am not hyperventilating any more. As I am setting out the front door, I start my watch...the old one said "walk" until it could pick up the sensor in the shoe, max 5 seconds. This new one says "Linking" and damn it took like a minute to find the damn satellite. Which only made me more antsy in my pantsy. Took off set it to stopwatch mode so I can see how much time has elapsed. wouldn't want to do more work, or worse...not enough! But it was big and bright. The run itself was a little tiresome. I was strangely REALLY hot and sweaty during the run, I quit checking the weather before I run, its just stupid, but when I got home...94% humidity. NO WONDER I WAS DYING! Shit! I did have to walk a small amount of time, like 30 seconds. My new watch has some awesome features on Nike plus on how it tracks my I ran my fast 1 mile...10:07!!! But my overall pace still sucked! This morning, I picked a new route. And Almost made it to the new park! I think I could have, but I wasn't sure...Friday I am GOING to make...I also have like 2 more minutes I have to fill with running!
Enough with the boring running! But that is about I all I have to blog about today! Sorry this blog was extremely scattered brained!
Wednesday (8/22): 18 minute Run, 5 minute walk. First and foremost, I am starting to forego the 5 minute walk. It seems kinda lame, but I do walk around the street until I feel I have got my breath and am not hyperventilating any more. As I am setting out the front door, I start my watch...the old one said "walk" until it could pick up the sensor in the shoe, max 5 seconds. This new one says "Linking" and damn it took like a minute to find the damn satellite. Which only made me more antsy in my pantsy. Took off set it to stopwatch mode so I can see how much time has elapsed. wouldn't want to do more work, or worse...not enough! But it was big and bright. The run itself was a little tiresome. I was strangely REALLY hot and sweaty during the run, I quit checking the weather before I run, its just stupid, but when I got home...94% humidity. NO WONDER I WAS DYING! Shit! I did have to walk a small amount of time, like 30 seconds. My new watch has some awesome features on Nike plus on how it tracks my I ran my fast 1 mile...10:07!!! But my overall pace still sucked! This morning, I picked a new route. And Almost made it to the new park! I think I could have, but I wasn't sure...Friday I am GOING to make...I also have like 2 more minutes I have to fill with running!
Enough with the boring running! But that is about I all I have to blog about today! Sorry this blog was extremely scattered brained!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Fun New Toys!
I don't really have anything productive to blog about. But I do have some awesome pictures to share!!
First...This is my new workout toy! Since I got new running shoes, and they weren't Nike's I had to get a watch that could track my distance and such fun things. So I boned down and got one of these....
First...This is my new workout toy! Since I got new running shoes, and they weren't Nike's I had to get a watch that could track my distance and such fun things. So I boned down and got one of these....
I will totally write my reviews about it tomorrow after I run in the morning. It will also be nice to have a "true" distance since it links up to Tom Tom!!
My next picture...following with the theme of working out. I saw this on pinterest today, and while the saying makes a lot of since, I just couldn't help but laugh really hard at the lady in the picture.
These next few pictures are just of life...The first of clearly our dog with most of her toys. She had a hard time deciding which toy she wants to play with! The next one is a picture while we were driving "the car" to get the new watch, and it is of downtown in the way back, but you can see the shadow of the car!!
Ok...tomorrow will be back to regular blogging about things that are important. Like what is happening in Fifty Shades! Or how my run went in the morning!! 18 minutes!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Super Monday Run!
A little unlike me, but I am going to blog this morning, pretty close to finishing my run, which was AWESOME this morning.
Monday (8/20): Last night I went to bed with a RAGING headache and my stomach was all in knots, and I was hoping that I was going to be able to get up in the morning to run. So the alarm went off, and I had to get out of the house or I was not going to go. Run 17 minutes. Normally, I have been going down to the track and running, but I realized yesterday in the park, I seem to go better if I am not running in circles. So I went down the street with no path in mind and when I felt like it I turned, and when I felt like it again I turned. I did this for the whole run, and the best part was the time actually went by what seemed faster. I wasn't wanting to quit as early on in the run, I wasn't going at a snails pace, I was keeping my form better and not dragging my feet, I also had some great elevation changes, something I haven't seen in a while. But I felt accomplished to run this 17 minutes and to not feel like dying. Still considered at a 11:56 pace, but I have to keep in my that at the end of these runs I also walk for 5 or so minutes, which kills my pace time.
Needless to say, it was a great morning and I have been in a great mood since.
Side note: I saw this quote on Pinterest and it makes a lot of sense. I have viewed this is whole journey that I am on to become healthy again. It doesn't happen over night and there are no miracle drugs to snap me out of this, I have to do it myself and have to put in the time and make myself go. It might be slow to change my body, but it is a lifestyle change....
Monday (8/20): Last night I went to bed with a RAGING headache and my stomach was all in knots, and I was hoping that I was going to be able to get up in the morning to run. So the alarm went off, and I had to get out of the house or I was not going to go. Run 17 minutes. Normally, I have been going down to the track and running, but I realized yesterday in the park, I seem to go better if I am not running in circles. So I went down the street with no path in mind and when I felt like it I turned, and when I felt like it again I turned. I did this for the whole run, and the best part was the time actually went by what seemed faster. I wasn't wanting to quit as early on in the run, I wasn't going at a snails pace, I was keeping my form better and not dragging my feet, I also had some great elevation changes, something I haven't seen in a while. But I felt accomplished to run this 17 minutes and to not feel like dying. Still considered at a 11:56 pace, but I have to keep in my that at the end of these runs I also walk for 5 or so minutes, which kills my pace time.
Needless to say, it was a great morning and I have been in a great mood since.
Side note: I saw this quote on Pinterest and it makes a lot of sense. I have viewed this is whole journey that I am on to become healthy again. It doesn't happen over night and there are no miracle drugs to snap me out of this, I have to do it myself and have to put in the time and make myself go. It might be slow to change my body, but it is a lifestyle change....
Fit is not a destination. It is a way of life.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Moving up!
Once again, I am behind. But on a positive note, I have accomplished a lot since I have last blogged. So lets get started!
Friday (8/17): Run 16m, Walk 5m. Made it down to the track at the school to find a kid sitting on one of the benches..oh ya, it was the first day of school. As I was leaving the track, the neighborhood dogs had little people to bark at again. So I had lots of noise to keep me going. But for real...this run as a really good one! It felt great..well afterwards. I do feel like I am going to die while doing it, but afterwards I am on a high. I remember that it was cool that morning, where I was almost cold before I left!!
This evening was a little uneventful...because it was so nice we went for a ride in "the car" to Target! WAHOO! But dear husband and I did have fun at home...

And then I found an old friend... (Didn't eat all of it and still actually have some AND I have eaten twice out of it. Normally I eat it twice and it is gone!!)
Friday (8/17): Run 16m, Walk 5m. Made it down to the track at the school to find a kid sitting on one of the benches..oh ya, it was the first day of school. As I was leaving the track, the neighborhood dogs had little people to bark at again. So I had lots of noise to keep me going. But for real...this run as a really good one! It felt great..well afterwards. I do feel like I am going to die while doing it, but afterwards I am on a high. I remember that it was cool that morning, where I was almost cold before I left!!
This evening was a little uneventful...because it was so nice we went for a ride in "the car" to Target! WAHOO! But dear husband and I did have fun at home...
And then I found an old friend... (Didn't eat all of it and still actually have some AND I have eaten twice out of it. Normally I eat it twice and it is gone!!)
Saturday (8/18): Today was HUNGER GAME day!! But first, it had to RAIN!!! I got up early and headed over to my parents to finally go through my stuff that is over and get it out of there house. When I got there it looked like this....
Not pleasant, but I got to park Marge in the garage and then it didn't do much, in the way of hail or anything like that. This is what I got to take home today....
Love it!!! It has a mirror that goes on top of it,but it didn't make the trip home. And when I got home....(drum roll please)
OMG!!! It was sooo good! "But that's not how she got her pin" That's about all I have to say about it. I also don't want to give to much away for those who haven't seen it.
Sunday (8/19): Run 17m, Walk 5m. Decided to go to the park and run at a new location, plus it was sooo nice outside. When I was going to go this morning, it was like 84% humidity and I was sweating after taking the doggie to potty. But went to the park around 330, and wore a t-shirt. And it was perfect. I ran a mile in 10:something, I don't remember, but was just excited that I could do that. But then the remaining 7m was a little unsatisfying. I got over half a mile, but I feel like that shouldn't really be acceptable. However I am staying positive. Race for the Cure is coming up October 27th, so I still have time to improve. Plus my friend who is really inspiring me to run, told me today she would run with me, even if it was at a 10 minute pace. That means a lot...she doesn't have to run that slow with me, but it also pushes me to try to get to her pace. Thanks for all your support Lash!!! I am really excited to be able to run with you, and hopefully RFTC won't be the last time we run together!!!
Not to much going on this week. Hoping to get back to the gym, but it depends on dear hubby! Until next time!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Dance Magic Dance.
Sorry for my absences. For two reasons I haven't blogged. One being that I have been EXTREMELY busy at lame, but the other reason is because my last run was not a good one and I didn't want to blog about it. But here goes.
Wednesday (8/15): It was 8m R, 5m W, 8m R, 5m W. Totally thought this was going to awesome because I got that break in between, but what it really proved was to be epically sucky! Normally 8 minutes is a milestone in the running to be over half way done, however once I got to the 8 minutes to walk, I felt like I was done, and it was SOOOO difficult to start again. But I did, however I had to stop and walk about a minute. It was terrible. I felt so ashamed. But I am here to be honest with myself, and of course, my awesome readers, and that is what I am doing!
Thursday (8/16): Today...super long day at the office. No chance of working out...however I do have a few pictures to show.
First these! My grandma, who I never met, left bracelets for me. My mom wore them all my life "keeping them safe." She gave them to me the day after our wedding, and like a little pain in the ass, I just couldn't accept them. It wasn't my time. So she was keeping them for me. However, when life took a turn, the bracelets went with the turn. While their value is very little, the attachment I had to them was about the only thing I had to my grandma. So I was devastated to say the least. Dear Hubby saw how upset I was that they were taken from me, that he tried to "replace" them. Something similar. And these are what he got me. They are kind of close to what the others one looked like, however it means a lot that he would go through the terrible of trying to find similar ones. I think he might be a keeper.
I believe that is a good place to end this blog!!!
Wednesday (8/15): It was 8m R, 5m W, 8m R, 5m W. Totally thought this was going to awesome because I got that break in between, but what it really proved was to be epically sucky! Normally 8 minutes is a milestone in the running to be over half way done, however once I got to the 8 minutes to walk, I felt like I was done, and it was SOOOO difficult to start again. But I did, however I had to stop and walk about a minute. It was terrible. I felt so ashamed. But I am here to be honest with myself, and of course, my awesome readers, and that is what I am doing!
Thursday (8/16): Today...super long day at the office. No chance of working out...however I do have a few pictures to show.
First these! My grandma, who I never met, left bracelets for me. My mom wore them all my life "keeping them safe." She gave them to me the day after our wedding, and like a little pain in the ass, I just couldn't accept them. It wasn't my time. So she was keeping them for me. However, when life took a turn, the bracelets went with the turn. While their value is very little, the attachment I had to them was about the only thing I had to my grandma. So I was devastated to say the least. Dear Hubby saw how upset I was that they were taken from me, that he tried to "replace" them. Something similar. And these are what he got me. They are kind of close to what the others one looked like, however it means a lot that he would go through the terrible of trying to find similar ones. I think he might be a keeper.
Had a terrible time getting home from my father-in-laws, but I had a chance to see downtown for what it is worth. Nothing to major!
This one should be self explanatory, it was on tv tonight.....
I believe that is a good place to end this blog!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Monday Monday!
Look at me! Getting back to the blogging routine, just like the running & workout routine. This is kind of a short blog, pretty much know that I will probably not going to make it to the gym tonight per our management duties.
So this morning I HAD to be at the office at 7:45, but I needed to get in there earlier to attend to those previously mentioned management duties. I got up at 6, and looked was still too dark for my comfort on running, I slept til 6:15, and then headed out the door. Down the road to the track and back out. 15 min run and a 5 min walk. Today I realized I need to start doing something on the weekend or Mondays are just going to suck! Pretty much like today. I wanted to quit several times, and even tried to talk myself into it, but then I starting saying to myself "self, it is not acceptable to stop." (Hope you got a good laugh, LAsh!) Made it home with a minute left to walk, but because I was on a time crush I didn't seem to mind. Today was a 11:50 pace, which really surprised the hell out of me, but was also excited to that even when I think I am having a bad day, I am still improving!
I think I am going to be done blogging for the day. "And that's all I have to say about that." Tell next time!
I think I am going to be done blogging for the day. "And that's all I have to say about that." Tell next time!
Sunday, August 12, 2012 new sport!
I really need to get back into the habit of blogging. Vacation really messed me all up. I will catch up the days I have missed and hopefully get back to the every other day routine. Plus waiting this long to blog I forget what happens and my honest feelings towards life!
Thursday (8/9): Today I ran, because I didn't run on Wednesday. It was simple 13 m R, 5m W. I set off, ran to the elementary school in the neighborhood,which has a quarter mile track, and ran my little heart out. Managed to get a 1/2 mile in on the track and then back out to the road. Can't think off the top of my head what the distance was total, but I know that I ran at a 12:14 pace!!!! Getting better at running this mile thing.
Friday (8/10): Also a run day. We have finally hit the mostly running part of this program, so it makes it a little harder. But I am going to keep going. Today was 15m R, 5m W. This run hit a milestone for pace was 11:54. Finally under 12 mins!! Also, I can tell that I am getting better, because when 9 mins used to be a struggle to get to, now I am starting to die around 13 mins. I can only get better.
Thursday (8/9): Today I ran, because I didn't run on Wednesday. It was simple 13 m R, 5m W. I set off, ran to the elementary school in the neighborhood,which has a quarter mile track, and ran my little heart out. Managed to get a 1/2 mile in on the track and then back out to the road. Can't think off the top of my head what the distance was total, but I know that I ran at a 12:14 pace!!!! Getting better at running this mile thing.
When I got home from work, dear hubby wanted to go to the mall, reason unknown, but I will take it! I have damn near run out of my current kicks, so I bought some new running shoes and then hubby thought I needed some new socks to go with them! I LOVE THESE SHOES. Haven't run in them yet, only because my current watch/timer/cal count/pace/mile doesn't work in my New Balance shoes...its a Nike thing with a chip in the shoe. So I am currently looking at getting a new GPS watch. But here our my shoes and socks.
Friday (8/10): Also a run day. We have finally hit the mostly running part of this program, so it makes it a little harder. But I am going to keep going. Today was 15m R, 5m W. This run hit a milestone for pace was 11:54. Finally under 12 mins!! Also, I can tell that I am getting better, because when 9 mins used to be a struggle to get to, now I am starting to die around 13 mins. I can only get better.
Saturday (8/11): Today started early with a trip to an auction house, nothing good, then to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Best Buy, Barnes & noble, & finally Lakeshore. And back home by 11:15! Then we sat on our behinds all day, until we tried to get dinner at Red Lobster and Texas Roadhouse, only to stop at Popeyes! Lame!
Sunday (8/12): Normal house keeping day. Cleaned Marge, man she is looking good now! Since the Olympic's end today, sad :o(, we are watching everything we can!! I will miss the games, but now I can get back to regularly schedule programs!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Whelp, I have been slacking for a few days on blogging, so I guess I better catch up! I noticed I last blogged on Monday and today is Wednesday of the next week...this is going to be really fun to try to remember what happened!
Monday (7/30): Went to the gym after work, have not the slightest clue what I did, but I went!
Tuesday (7/31): Relax day from running!! But I managed to go to the gym and get a quick workout in before heading to dinner with the girls! Again, I couldn't tell you what I did, but I went. Dinner with the girls was awesome! Here is a picture to prove it...
Monday (7/30): Went to the gym after work, have not the slightest clue what I did, but I went!
Tuesday (7/31): Relax day from running!! But I managed to go to the gym and get a quick workout in before heading to dinner with the girls! Again, I couldn't tell you what I did, but I went. Dinner with the girls was awesome! Here is a picture to prove it...
Wednesday (8/1): I believe this was the 6m R, 5m W, 6m R, 5m W day. I ran down to the track in the neighborhood and did a half mile there, and then headed back home. This was the first time that I have stopped running to walk a brief moment in time. But it was brutally hot and I couldn't breathe well. I was dying. That day at work was insane, mostly because I wanted to leave early, and EVERYTHING showed up on my desk and wouldn't go away. Finally escaped to go home, run some errands, start laundry, take doggie over to my parents, do more laundry, go to wally world (haven't been in ages) on food stamp day..WORSE IDEA EVER, and to pack all to get to bed at like 1230!
Thursday (8/2): Travel day! Got up at 445 to catch an 8am flight. Got to Olympia and went non-stop until like midnight there time...LONG DAY!
Thursday (8/2): Travel day! Got up at 445 to catch an 8am flight. Got to Olympia and went non-stop until like midnight there time...LONG DAY!
Friday (8/3): I know I actually ran today. I did 5m W, 10m R, 5m W. It was a mere 53 degrees and I ran in a jacket. Also, not only was it beautiful to run among the VERY TALL Evergreen trees, but the hills/elevation changes were a not as welcomed of a surprise. I mean it was nice to have the change, but when I am not used to it, I wanted to scream. But I did it. After running, when headed to the mall (pic), went to an AWESOME farmers market, enjoyed a wonderful trip around the state capital (pic below), followed a concert in the park with wonderful acapella group with damn near the whole family!
Wednesday (8/8): Today! Didn't get up to run...some how was at the office at 730 this morning, worked non-stop until 1215, and then the boss man let me go home! I took a nap, watched Olympics, ate dinner, took another nap, and now am blogging. I am going to try to get up and run tomorrow morning. Even though I am still technically doing my program still, I feel I have some fickle room when it comes to getting the running done. I would like to get back on the same schedule, and I will but this week is all jacked up!
I will return to blogging normally, hopefully, soon! But this vacation was needed and was some what relaxing. Can't wait to enjoy the Pacific Northwest when there isn't mass craziness going on!
Saturday (8/4): WEDDING DAY! Seems like that is all we did!! It was a great day for an outdoor wedding, and the party was great!! Don't have any pics of that event on my phone.
Sunday (8/5): Lazy day. Went back to the wedding house, ate left overs, hung out with family, opened presents, and then headed to a rented "beach" house. Not to bad of a can see Mt. Rainier in the back ground, but I will post a better pic of the mt.
Sunday (8/5): Lazy day. Went back to the wedding house, ate left overs, hung out with family, opened presents, and then headed to a rented "beach" house. Not to bad of a can see Mt. Rainier in the back ground, but I will post a better pic of the mt.
Monday (8/6): Took my dear hubby to the airport! Then went to Ikea!! Spent so much time we ended up in Traffic...LAME! But once we finally made it home, I figured I should go and run! 5m W, 11m R, 5m W. this one was a bit difficult because I was tired from being out all day, but I did it and kinda get to the runners high. It wasn't a chore to run...well, expect up those damn hills!
Tuesday (8/7): Travel Day. Finished packing, went to visit family, and sat in the airport. Flight got in at 1 am, and didn't sleep until 230am. The pic below is Vegas at night as we flew over.
I will return to blogging normally, hopefully, soon! But this vacation was needed and was some what relaxing. Can't wait to enjoy the Pacific Northwest when there isn't mass craziness going on!
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