Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Burfday America!

Happy 4th of July!!!  What an awesome holiday!  Love being an American and being free! Thank you to all the men and women that serve our county to keep me free.  You allow me to blog about whatever the hell I want!!

You know what is more annoying then group messages with people you don't know...ones that just state what the day is.  Please don't ever text me at 9 in the morning when I clearly know why my ass is still in bed sleeping and not at work...oh and to spice it up don't group text me with people I don't know so that I can get the same response from BUNCHES of people.  I know what today, I wasn't born yesterday, and I surely don't need a reminder at 9 in the morning people!  And to top it off, it's not like this holiday landed on a Monday or Friday...ITS WEDNESDAY!!! Clearly it wasn't a mistake not to wake up by an annoying sound.  So after that rude awaking, I slept til 10!  Got up, ate some healthy brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts, and then got into action.

I actually did what I was suppose to do! Walk 5 mins, Jog 2 mins, Walk 5 mins.  It was a a bit of a struggle at the beginning because my legs were sore, but I sucked it up and did it!  I burned 104 calories and went .82  of a these numbers I know aren't correct, only because I know 1 mile burns 100 calories, and I know it didn't go a mile.  The area that I am currently running is about 3/4 of a mile, so it is a little off, but it is at least some numbers to keep in mind.
After working out, I pulled out the lawn mower and mowed our front yard...Super pain in the ass. Our front yard is ONLY weeds and clogs the shit out of my mower.  But my wonderful husband finally woke  up, and after vacuuming, came out and help with all the damn clippings.  You are probably thinking, "Oh that bitch should have bagged that shit up" well guess what...I DID!  I might have waited to long to mow, but oh well!  It's done and only took an hour to make it look decent...oh ya that was JUST the front yard!  But we didn't even want to tackle the backyard...mainly because it isn't bad.

To celebrate our countries birthday we are going to sit on our asses like true American fashion.

OMG...totally forgot about my dinner date last night with the girls.  Totally love those girls and spent 3 hours chatting about nothing really too important but it felt like we were there for like 30 mins. We have already planned our next date..and we might try to have a "book club" problem is we are all reading something differnet!!!

Back to celebrating our countries birthday...Eat mexican, Check; watch scrubs, check; take a hour long nap, check; go watch fireworks (well add some awesome photos tomorrow), check!  Did anyone else watch the Macy's 4th of July fireworks from New York??  We were just killing time before we went to the Walmart parking lot to watch our firework show, just now is going to be a huge disappointment after watching the New York show.  They had to have a 35 minute show...which was ridiculous!  Thanks Macy's for setting a super high standard for the rest of us here central America to put on a show that is not even 1/16th of what you just did! It was on overall get day off to celebrate our nations birthday!  Next year though, lets try to plan this day where we get an extra day off too...just an idea!  

Side is my completely old lady project!
I am a little behind in my Love in the Wild and America's Got Talent, but I will catch up and discuss my feelings towards them!

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