Last week, I ran with the girls at the park, 2.8 miles. It was so nice to finally run with these ladies and for us to get a chance to run together. We are always discussing our workouts and current runs, running together we all get to blog about the same run!! YAY US!
Friday (I am just going to be jumping days, get over it) I had to hop a plane to say a final farewell to a deeply loved family member, so I got to fly over the Grand Canyon...
We chilled and got some sleep for Saturday. Saturday was full of emotions. The first pics of the next sequence is of my bedroom window view and some things in the garden (GIANT SIZE veggies).
Sunday....we stopped at an art gallery, stopped at the farmer markets, stopped for cupcakes, then over to some family's for dinner.
Monday...Today we ventured to "Ruby Beach," except we never made it. Whoops. But we did make it to Ocean Shores, have a picnic on the beach followed by a stroll down the beach and finding sea creatures, and then we got lost on the way to Ruby Beach. Here are some pictures from the Ocean today!
I totally thought I had more pictures from adventures of the day, but clearly I am I just was taking a lot with my big camera!
OHHH....I did go running this morning, but it was kinda lame. Went just over a mile, and then had to come home. The roads are super banked here so it was really hurting my ankle to run on the angle, but I was informed to run on almost on the road to prevent that. Plan on trying again tomorrow, but it is also REALLY cold when I run, like I can see my breathe but then I am's totally odd feeling right now!
That is all I got right now, except how terrible this game is being called (pack/seahawk) game. Will try to blog later this week.
Until then...
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