Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Results of my Awesome Toy

As we all know, I went out and spent some money into my running kick, and bought a new Nike GPS watch.  Today was the first day to use it, with my new running shoes.  So the results..

Wednesday (8/22):  18 minute Run, 5 minute walk.  First and foremost, I am starting to forego the 5 minute walk.  It seems kinda lame, but I do walk around the street until I feel I have got my breath and am not hyperventilating any more.  As I am setting out the front door, I start my watch...the old one said "walk" until it could pick up the sensor in the shoe, max 5 seconds.  This new one says "Linking" and damn it took like a minute to find the damn satellite.  Which only made me more antsy in my pantsy.  Took off set it to stopwatch mode so I can see how much time has elapsed. wouldn't want to do more work, or worse...not enough!  But it was big and bright.  The run itself was a little tiresome.  I was strangely REALLY hot and sweaty during the run, I quit checking the weather before I run, its just stupid, but when I got home...94% humidity.  NO WONDER I WAS DYING!  Shit!   I did have to walk a small amount of time, like 30 seconds. My new watch has some awesome features on Nike plus on how it tracks my I ran my fast 1 mile...10:07!!! But my overall pace still sucked!  This morning, I picked a new route.  And Almost made it to the new park!  I think I could have, but I wasn't sure...Friday I am GOING to make...I also have like 2 more minutes I have to fill with running!

Enough with the boring running! But that is about I all I have to blog about today!  Sorry this blog was extremely scattered brained!  

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